Your “Family of Origin” in Relationship
Your “family of origin” is the family in which you were raised, and it can have a significant influence on your romantic relationships.
Mastering Effective Communication with Your Partner
Effective communication is a crucial aspect of fostering a healthy relationship. Understand your own communication style and change negative patterns.
Ready to Work on Improving Your Relationship?
At some point, every romantic relationship could use some work. Learn to create the best plan for moving towards a better relationship.
Am I Too Sensitive, or Is My Partner Uncaring?
We invest our entire lives into our relationships, which can drive our emotions high when we feel our partner is uncaring. Any amount of sensitivity that we possess can go into overload status when we feel frustrated, hurt, ignored, or invalidated. There are many reasons why a partner may perceive an imbalance with their partner in their levels of feelings and shared empathy in a relationship, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
How to Achieve Work-Life Balance in Your Relationship
Work-life balance is not described by a set of percentages that depict how much time a person spends at home and how much time is spent at work. Work-life balance is a goal that depicts a proportion between the demands and needs of an individual’s personal, professional, and family life. When we achieve work-life balance, it becomes a state of counterbalance that is both accountable and flexible, which strengthens family cohesion and relationship happiness. Relationships thrive on both give and take. The balance is never exactly even, but as each partner understands and accepts the give and the take, and flexibility is practiced, the relationship is nourished and is made a priority, even in the seasons when a busy or demanding work life requires extra time away from home. This is a healthy work-life balance.
You Are Not the Boss of Me at Home! Dropping the Boss Mindset in the Home
How do you take off your work hat when you come home and negotiate with your spouse about making important decisions? How can you navigate how to have authority and power and control in the relationship? Who gives power and control? Who gets to make decisions? How do you make those decisions?
Why the First Year of Marriage Is So Hard – And How to Get Through It Together
You have married your special person and now your life together feels incredibly hard. You may wonder what is wrong with your marriage, “We have not even been married a year yet!” You may be concerned about stirring up more conflict with your spouse, so you avoid approaching the topic. You might not seek advice from others, not even your best friend, because you do not want anyone to think that your marriage is falling apart. If this describes your scenario, know that what you are experiencing is common.
Emotional Gender Inequality in a Relationship
We all need to be lifted up, and it can be done by sharing emotions. But this isn’t about being so intentional that you’re faking it. Sharing your true positive emotions, like feelings of love, appreciation, empathy, and happiness can strengthen your relationship. When you make the extra effort to share positive emotions, you cultivate an environment where open and honest communication thrives.
Yes, You Can Say NO! Prioritizing your Relationship Over Your Job
Setting boundaries in our relationships and at work can be hard and is especially tough for people in high-pressure fields, like the medical field, or for those who work as first responders, but setting those boundaries – both at work and in your relationship – is critical. When we talk about boundaries, there are three […]
Why Does She Always Need Space?
It is not uncommon for a relationship to involve one partner that needs frequent quiet and alone time, while the other requires more social interaction. These types of differences can be a smooth and workable part of any relationship when both partners understand that they are navigating personality trait differences, namely extroversion and introversion.